Jae-Hwan Kim
Free Agent
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Fails to find MLB deal
Kim failed to sign a deal with an MLB club during his posting period and will return to the Doosan Bears of the KBO, Jeeho Yoo of Yonhap News reports.
As a 32-year-old whose numbers regressed in his most recent season, it's hardly a surprise that Kim struggled to generate much interest from major-league clubs. He can be posted again in November but will likely see the same fate unless he has a bounceback season.
As a 32-year-old whose numbers regressed in his most recent season, it's hardly a surprise that Kim struggled to generate much interest from major-league clubs. He can be posted again in November but will likely see the same fate unless he has a bounceback season.
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Kim was the MVP of the KBO in 2018 when he hit 44 home runs with a 1.067 OPS, but he declined last season to just 15 home runs and an .804 OPS. He had averaged 39 home runs from 2016 to 2019 as the top power hitter in South Korea. Though his power declined last season, he still drew walks (10.1 percent walk rate) and didn't strike out too often (19.7 percent strikeout rate). Though he played outfield in South Korea, he's seen as a defensive liability who will need to play 1B or DH in MLB. His KBO team, the Doosan Bears,posted him in December. However, he was unable to find a MLB team willing to sign him and will return to the KBO. He could try to move to MLB in 2021.
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Posted by Doosan
Kim was posted by the Doosan Bears on Thursday, which gives him the chance to sign an MLB contract, Joel Sherman of the New York Post reports.
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Not receiving much interest
Kim hasn't generated much interest since being posted in early December, Jeeho Yoo of Yonhap News reports.
As a 32-year-old slugger who hit just 15 homers in the KBO last season, it's not terribly surprising that Kim hasn't been a popular target. The Marlins reportedly had interest at one point but are unlikely to make a move after signing Corey Dickerson. Kim has until Sunday to reach a deal with an MLB team. If he doesn't, he'll return to the Doosan Bears and won't be eligible for another posting until next offseason.
As a 32-year-old slugger who hit just 15 homers in the KBO last season, it's not terribly surprising that Kim hasn't been a popular target. The Marlins reportedly had interest at one point but are unlikely to make a move after signing Corey Dickerson. Kim has until Sunday to reach a deal with an MLB team. If he doesn't, he'll return to the Doosan Bears and won't be eligible for another posting until next offseason.