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Daily Fantasy Advice
CFL DFS Picks and Cheat Sheet for Week 19 on DraftKingsJuan Carlos Blanco examines the Week 19 slate and sees the Stampeders' Reggie Begelton poised for his third big game of the season against the Elks.
CFL DFS Picks and Cheat Sheet for Week 18 on DraftKingsJuan Carlos Blanco breaks down the three-game CFL Week 18 slate and sees the Lions' Nathan Rourke continuing his strong run of production against the Stampeders.
CFL DFS Picks and Cheat Sheet for Week 17 on DraftKingsJuan Carlos Blanco looks over the Week 17 CFL slate and tabs the Lions' William Stanback as a running back worth paying up for versus the Tiger-Cats.
CFL DFS Picks and Cheat Sheet for Week 16 on DraftKingsJuan Carlos Blanco looks over the Week 16 CFL slate and sees the Argonauts' Chad Kelly continuing his hot streak in what could be an offensive showcase against the Tiger-Cats.
CFL DFS Picks and Cheat Sheet for Week 15 on DraftKingsJuan Carlos Blanco looks over the three-game Week 15 CFL slate and sees the Tiger-Cats offense, including red-hot receiver Tim White, taking advantage of a vulnerable Redblacks pass defense.