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Stat Review
How does Andrew Funk compare to other players?
This section compares his stats with all players from the previous three seasons (minimum 200 minutes played)*. The bar represents the player's percentile rank. For example, if the bar is halfway across, then the player falls into the 50th percentile for that stat and it would be considered average.
True Shooting %
Effective Field Goal %
3-Point Attempt Rate
Free Throw Rate
Offensive Rebound %
Defensive Rebound %
Total Rebound %
Assist %
Steal %
Block %
Turnover %
Usage %
Fantasy Points Per Game
Fantasy Points Per Minute
Historical ADP
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Struggles from distance
Funk logged 13 points (4-12 FG, 1-7 3Pt, 2-2 FT), five rebounds, five assists, a steal and a block across 35 minutes of Sunday's 124-121 win over the G League Bulls.
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Training camp cut
Funk was waived by Denver on Wednesday, Keith Smith of reports.
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Headed to Denver
Funk signed an Exhibit 10 contract with the Nuggets on Tuesday, Vinny Benedetto of The Denver Gazette reports.
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Waived by Chicago
The Bulls waived Funk on Wednesday.
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Held to two points in G League
Funk scored two points (0-6 FG, 0-5 3Pt, 1-1 FT) and grabbed one rebound in 34 minutes Saturday in the G League Windy City Bulls' 108-105 loss to the Wisconsin Herd.
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Huge three-point volume
Funk leads all G League players with 263 three-point attempts this season, representing 84.2 percent of his total shots while converting at a 38.4 percent success rate.
Funk having perfect attendance through Grand Rapids' first 26 games of the season works in his favor, but he is in a rare tier nonetheless, as only one other player has attempted at least 220 threes. Funk has been a mediocre movement shooter, with a strong of 39.1 percent clip on catch-and-shoot attempts being his specialty.
Funk having perfect attendance through Grand Rapids' first 26 games of the season works in his favor, but he is in a rare tier nonetheless, as only one other player has attempted at least 220 threes. Funk has been a mediocre movement shooter, with a strong of 39.1 percent clip on catch-and-shoot attempts being his specialty.