Marcin Jankowski

JankosMarcin Jankowski

Team Heretics
Exits LEC playoffs
LoL | JunglerTeam Heretics
July 21, 2024
Jankos ended Sunday's 2-1 loss to GX with a 7/8/21 combined KDA.
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Supportive as Xin Zhao
LoL | JunglerTeam Heretics
June 8, 2024
Jankos ended ended Saturday's win over GX with a 3/3/11 KDA as Xin Zhao.
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Involved in 12 kills
LoL | JunglerTeam Heretics
March 10, 2024
Jankos ended Sunday's win over RGE with a 4/1/8 KDA as Vi.
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Supportive in playoff exit
LoL | JunglerTeam Heretics
February 10, 2024
Jankos ended Saturday's 2-1 loss to SK with a 2/9/21 combined KDA.
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Unkillable as Xin Zhao
LoL | JunglerTeam Heretics
January 14, 2024
Jankos ended Sunday's win over RGE with a 2/0/11 KDA as Xin Zhao.
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One death in sweep of KOI
LoL | JunglerTeam Heretics
July 22, 2023
Jankos ended Saturday's sweep of KOI with an 8/1/20 combined KDA.
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