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Takes six shots in win
Akliouche had six shots (one on goal), three crosses (zero accurate) and two chances created in Saturday's 2-0 victory versus Toulouse.
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Starting Friday
Akliouche (undisclosed) is in the starting XI for Friday's game against Brest.
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Given squad list spot
Akliouche (undisclosed) is on the squad list for Friday's match against Brest.
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Leaves France camp
Akliouche had to withdraw from the France National team camp ahead of their upcoming Nation League games.
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Assists Saturday
Akliouche assisted once to go with one shot (zero on goal), four crosses (zero accurate) and one corner in Saturday's 3-1 win over Strasbourg.
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Keen on Barcelona move
Akliouche is keen on playing for Barcelona at some point in his career, according to SPORT.
During a recent interview, the 22-year-old said he would like to play for Barcelona during his career. However, it's not clear if he'll force a move to the Spanish club, or even if Barcelona are keeping close tabs on his availability. Akliouche is under contract at Monaco, but as a promising young player, he could be subject of potential transfer rumors in the coming months.
During a recent interview, the 22-year-old said he would like to play for Barcelona during his career. However, it's not clear if he'll force a move to the Spanish club, or even if Barcelona are keeping close tabs on his availability. Akliouche is under contract at Monaco, but as a promising young player, he could be subject of potential transfer rumors in the coming months.